Year: 2018

How Certifications Help Your Personal Trainer Train You Better

Entrusting your health and wellness to the hands of an unknown trainer can be risky. This is understandable as there are so many fitness trainers all around offering promises of a dream body with sculpted contours. Amidst all that confusion, certifications are one of the best ways of understanding just how much you can trust a trainer with your well-being.

After all, certifications are an indication that a trainer has completed all required personal trainer courses that provide him with a professional edge over amateurs. One of the most well known fitness instructor certification course in the UK is the FFC level 1 and 2 kettlebell courses.

Certifications are in Indication of Comprehensive Knowledge 

Personal trainers with certifications have attended professional fitness training schools where they have undergone rigorous training in different aspects of physical fitness. Most top-notch schools offer curriculum covering human anatomy, physiology and nutrition as part of their personal trainer courses. The courses also cover other important areas that can make a meaningful impact on your (clients) fitness training program.

Certifications on Personal Trainer Courses help your Trainer Plan your Sessions better 

In order to be successful, effective and achievable; a fitness program should be planned in a scientific manner. This is not possible for a trainer who has not undergone training on this aspect at a reputable institute. The kettlebell certification in Brisbane therefore mean that the trainer you are about to hire knows how to plan your fitness program so that you can maximize each session and derive the best benefits.

Certifications help your Trainer set Meaningful Goals 

Another vital factor that influences the success of your fitness program is goal setting. It would be foolish for you to believe that you can achieve a dream figure overnight, notwithstanding what amateur trainers promise. Only certified trainers with certifications on personal trainer courses are taught how to set appropriate goals for each individual client depending on personal specifications and a timeframe. There is a lot of scientific research and calculation that goes into such goal setting and only certified trainers have the experience to set goals that are safe, achievable and appropriate for you.

Certifications help your Trainer Motivate you

Motivation plays a huge part in how effectively you undergo your fitness training program. Repeating the same moves day in day out and can be boring and often results are hard to come by. It takes a lot of patience and motivation to keep you going and this is what a certified instructor is trained to provide in dollops.

Yes, trainers undergo courses on human psychology as part of personal trainer certifications where they are taught specifically to understand client mindset and its changes as the kettlebell courses rolls on. He knows just when you need the right dose of discipline, motivation and fun to make each session better and more enjoyable.

Certifications help your Trainer select the Most Appropriate Workouts

Selecting just any workout will never allow you to reach your fitness goal. This is because individuals have different requirements because of which workouts too should combine different exercises. For example, some workouts are suitable to lose weight while some help you to build muscles.

Some improve your flexibility while others target belly fat. Some strengthen your cardiovascular output while others improve your strength and stamina.  At most fitness trainer providers, prospective trainers are taught about all this and much more because of which they are the best people to select the best workouts for you.

How much do personal trainers earn is a common question many people are seeking before undertaking a personal trainer certificate. And for good reason, if you are to set up a business you must know the financial reward for your efforts.

Best Abs Exercises For Your Child

Best Abs Exercises and Tips For Your Child

Getting your kids fit and healthy with a fun fitness program.  To achieve this you have to get your kid off the couch and outdoors exercising with friends. If you want to get lean and have 6-pack abs check out personal training for kids.

Abdominal Hold

  1. Sit on a step a bit off the ground, or on a sturdy chair. Then put your hands on the edge of the chair or step with your fingers gripping the edge.
  2. Next tighten your abs and lift your toes about 4 inches above the floor. Simultaneously lift your bottom off the chair.
  3. You should hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  4. Lower your body and repeat the routine for about 1 minute.

Raising of opposite leg an arm

  1. Go down on all fours. See that your knees are aligned with your hips and your wrists are in line with your shoulders.
  2. Raise the left leg to reach hip height. Raise the left arm to reach shoulder height.
  3. This position should be held for 2 counts. Then your fingers should reach forward and your back should be towards your heels.
  4. The whole routine can be repeated 15-20 times and alternating sides.
  5. A little twist to these abs exercises would be to touch the opposite elbow to the knees while pulling the leg and arm in.

Spiderman Plank Crunch

  1. Start in a plank position.
  2. Your body should be straight with the forearms on the ground.
  3. Draw the right knee towards the right elbow.
  4. Return to plank position.
  5. Repeat the move this time with the left knee towards the left elbow.
  6. Repeat the whole routine 10 times.

kid flexing

Side Crunch

  1. You need to kneel on the floor. Then lean over to the right and place your right palm flat on the floor.
  2. With your weight balanced, you have to extend your left leg slowly, pointing your goes.
  3. With your elbow pointed towards the ceiling, place the left hand behind your head.
  4. With your arm extended above your leg and your palm forward facing, slowly lift the leg to your hip height.
  5. Bring your left side rib cage towards the hip and look over your hand.
  6. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat about 8 times.
  7. After 6-8 reps switch sides.

Squat Trust with a twist

  1. You should stand with your feet apart shoulder-width, and then spread your arms at shoulder height in front.
  2. Bend your knees around 90 degrees and squat down and twist the upper body left.
  3. Repeat the moves to the right.
  4. Your weight should be kept in your heels, and your knees should not jut forward.
  5. As your shoulders and chest move from side to side, keep the knees facing towards the front.
  6. To get the best result, you should bend your knees about 90 degrees.

The above abs exercises from Sydney Kids Boot Camps will definitely help get your child ripped quickly and pave the way to your getting that to-die-for washboard stomach.